Study Abroad Options

Study Abroad ► Study Abroad Options

Study Abroad Program Options for CSUDH Student

Learn... Travel... Lead

CSU International Programs (IP)

Students in SpainIP is the overseas study program of the CSU system, 隶属于18个 国家的70多所高等院校. IP提供各种专业的一年和学期的海外学习项目, with articulation with CSUDH courses and most majors. 学生支付科罗拉多州立大学的学费,外加交通费和生活费. 我校的助学金完全适用于知识产权学习项目. Most programs require a 2.5 or 2.75 GPA, but some require a 3.00 GPA. 申请从每年10月开始在线接受.

For more information: ►

Faculty-Led Programs

教师主导的海外留学项目由我校教师组织和教授. The programs are travel courses led by CSUDH faculty. 学生可在冬、春、夏三期旅行1 - 6周. 学生至少获得3或6个学分,这些学分可以计入他们的学位. If you are interested, 请联系留学办公室了解更多有关资格和申请截止日期的信息.



Over the past seven decades, CIEE不断重新定义其重点,以满足学生不断变化的需求和期望, faculty, staff, and institutions, 巩固其作为世界一流正规澳门平台十大赌博组织的领导地位. CIEE致力于帮助每一位学生,无论其社会经济背景或学术专业如何,都能获得一段变革性的海外留学经历. 搜索包括西班牙在内的全球40多个国家的大学留学项目, Italy, China, Germany, Australia, and more with CIEE study abroad. A minimum 2.33 GPA is required to be eligible for most programs.

CSUDH Direct Exchange Study Abroad Programs in
Tokyo, Japan

到日本东京留学一学期或一学年. Programs available to eligible CSUDH students. 学生可以在秋季和春季学期出国留学. 学生在我校支付学杂费,并向国外接收大学支付生活费. Programs require a GPA of 2.0 to 4.0. and a junior standing.

Toyo University

渴望发展个人拥有的能力,茁壮成长在今天的全球社会. 它提倡个人项目,要求低年级学生,至少3分.00 GPA.
For more information:

Cost = TBD

Meiji University

日本领先的大学之一,拥有近140年的历史,其使命是赋予个人能力,并将个人与世界和未来联系起来. The applicants must have GPA of 2.0 or above on 4.0 scale.
For more information:

Cost = TBD


University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC)

Based out of University of Nevada, USAC在25个国家提供课程,有许多独特的出国留学地点. 在30多年的历史中,来自世界各地800多所大学的学生在USAC学习. 课程有冬季(1月)、夏季、学期和全年. 学生支付南加州大学的学费,外加国外的旅行和生活费用. Students should have a 2.50 GPA and be in good academic standing. Some programs require a 3.00 GPA. 学生将以“先到先得”的方式入学. CSUDH financial aid is fully applicable.

International Studies Abroad (ISA)

Since 1987, 国际留学项目(ISA)为美国和加拿大的大学生提供暑假出国留学的机会, semester, or academic year. ISA在亚洲各地的认可学校/大学有各种各样的留学项目, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Middle East, and the Pacific. 在网站上检查你的项目的个人资格要求,因为他们可能会有所不同. Some requirements include GPA with ranges from 2.50 to 3.30、外语能力(如适用)和学术分类. ISA以滚动方式接受申请人,并建议尽快提交申请,最好是在申请截止日期前一到两个月. 申请截止日期因选择的国家而异.

American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS)

Since 1964, over 1.5 million students have traveled abroad with AIFS. With more than 50 years of experience, 他们有资源和经验来提供他们的学生想要和需要的出国留学项目, and to safeguard their welfare around the globe. AIFS offers a wide range of unique programs in Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa and the Americas for a summer, semester or academic year. 大多数AIFS校区提供从初级到高级的英语或外语课程, 所以你甚至不需要懂一门外语就可以出国留学. 申请截止日期因选择的国家而异.

Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA)

Since 1997, 东航始终保持着一个简单的理念:提供高质量的国际学术课程和服务. Our programs are designed for U.S. 以及希望暑假出国的加拿大学生, semester, 或学年,获得本科学位学分. CEA每年为成千上万的学生提供学术和冒险的平衡, with destinations in 21 cities across 12 countries. CEA致力于提供与你的学术相符的课程, professional, and personal goals. 你将获得毕业学分,同时获得提高你就业能力的技能. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, assessed as they arrive, and accepted after eligibility is verified. Each program has an “apply-by” date and maximum capacity; once reached; further applications are not accepted.

Cultural Links


Study Abroad in Africa, the Caribbean, Mediterranean

Since 2005, 文化链接已成为全球首屈一指的教育项目提供商, specializing in offering U.S. students, educators, and community, exceptional study abroad experiences in Africa, alongside programs in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. Participants select from summer, semester, or year-round programs in Ghana, South Africa, Cuba, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Belize, Columbia, Malta, and more. Cultural Links offers academic-bearing study abroad, service learning, community service, and internship opportunities. culture Links的混合型课程让学生通过在自己学校学习异步在线课程来节省完成学位的时间, Cultural Links' online Sankofa Class list, and culturally immersive courses abroad, all in one streamlined experience. Cultural Links prioritizes affordability, 促进留学公平,自动将学生纳入付费计划, offering substantial discounts, waiving application fees, 在申请期间提供入学证明时,接受没有最低GPA要求的申请人. ALLI项目(非洲语言学习学院)是为渴望通过非洲寄宿家庭学习非洲语言的学生和教育工作者量身定制的, 促进语言习得和文化理解. 每个课程都有自己的申请截止日期,有些课程是滚动录取的.在网站上查看公开课程和项目的可用性,因为它们会定期更新.